Exciting news! Two important states in India are getting ready for elections. These are Haryana and Jammu & Kashmir (J&K).

Haryana will have its voting all on one day. But J&K will have voting spread over three days. This is because J&K is a special case – it’s having its first big election since 2014! A lot has changed there since then.

J&K is going to have extra security for the elections to keep everyone safe. The people there are really looking forward to voting. In the last big national election, they showed how much they care by voting in large numbers.

The Election Commission (the group in charge of running fair elections) is working hard to make sure everything goes smoothly. They’re even checking to make sure all the preparations are fair and no one is cheating.

These elections are super important because they let people choose who will lead their state. It’s a chance for everyone to have their voice heard!

The elections in two other states, Maharashtra and Jharkhand, will happen a bit later. This is partly because of some festivals happening around the same time.

Everyone is getting ready for these big elections. It’s an exciting time for democracy in India!



Views expressed above are the author’s own.


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